
品牌創意總監Jonathan Anderson每季皆與固定班底M/M Paris、Benjamin Bruno和Steven Meisel攜手合作,打造出一系列令人過目難忘的影像。



Steven Meisel鏡頭中的Stella Tennant正在閱讀塞萬提斯(Miguel de Cervantes)所著的《唐吉訶德(Don Quixote)》。精裝版的世界名著由LOEWE出版,封面影像採用攝影師Meisel 原刊於Vogue Italia雜誌的經典作品。

第二張影像由Meisel從高處拍攝,Tennant和Elise Crombez頭戴紅色假髮,穿著LOEWE 2018秋冬系列的作品,受困於一座復古風格的電梯中,畫面顯然受到電影拍攝手法的啟發。形象廣告的第三個元素則以LOEWE的Gate手提包為主角,強調品牌最新明星商品的卓越工藝及設計。影像栩栩如生,讓人感覺包款觸手可及。



形象廣告系列呈現五張義大利模特兒Vittoria Ceretti的肖像,她在照片中含著不同水果。藝術史上經常可見以水果為主題的作品,而品牌則是透過充滿現代風格的方式重新演繹經典之作。




延伸自品牌創意總監Jonathan Anderson一直以來的概念,本季廣告貫徹既有方式,以三張廣告形象照作為重心,多角度呈現品牌的過去、現在與未來。

首張形象照將於巴黎女裝週期間刊登於全巴黎500多個報刊亭,由Gisele Bündchen擔任模特兒,演繹將於3月3日發佈的2017秋冬女裝焦點造型。一如以往,廣告形象照由Steven Meisel掌鏡,配合由M/M(Paris)設計師雙人組設計的場景,以環狀金架吊起9,000條黑色絲帶所製成的黑雲裝置。


第三張廣告系列形象照取自Steven Meisel全新獨家藝術攝影系列《Compositions》,呈現一系列物件,由珍貴到平凡、由實用品到裝飾品、由工業製品到工藝之作等,均網羅其中,並配合透明桌面和藍天白雲畫作背景,營造出物件懸浮於天空般引人注目的視覺效果,更呈現介乎於超現實和超寫實之間的錯視藝術。


LOEWE與Steven Meisel展開特別合作,而最新企劃的亮點落於一件以繁花為題的作品之上,設計靈感源於中世紀英國花藝家及作家Constance Spry的創新作品。在Meisel的另一張照片中,名模兼女演員Amber Valetta和Jackson Wakefield於螺旋形繩索前展現饒富動感的姿態。



沿襲過去幾季的傳統,Steven Meisel的獨家作品是2016秋冬廣告形象照的焦點,也延續他與LOEWE的合作模式。原創的黑白圖像來自2016年的「A Closer Look」系列,這個企劃的元素由Meisel親自挑選,體現攝影大師對其重要作品的自我反思。

照片背景是由M/M Paris設計的雕塑,結合堅固石狀構造與白色虹彩部分,充分呈現系列特色。



Steven Meisel運用數位相機,為2016年的春夏系列重新詮釋一張沒有拍攝日期的私人黑白舊照,也就是「自拍照」系列的第4張。照片中的Steven Meisel身穿黑色T裇和牛仔褲,影像適時啟發了人們對時尚、表現手法、肖像拍攝和重新創作的思考方式。

本企劃匯集一系列原創剪影和焦點系列作品,場景由M/M Paris設計,讓人聯想起日本的富士山。





本季呈現Anderson加入LOEWE後首次發表的系列,形象廣告結合Meisel的經典影像和最新委託其拍攝的作品,而原型黑白剪影照片的呈現方式則由Benjamin Bruno操刀。

形象廣告融入品牌精心蒐集的珍藏物品,包括雕刻皮革的銅模;一系列的銅模擁有百年歷史,彰顯LOEWE的悠久傳統。這些影像猶如博物館展品,與主題鮮明的圖像並排陳列,襯托出Anderson為品牌創作的全新作品。此系列形象廣告的創意指導為M/M Paris,四位創意大師亦自此合作無間。


品牌創意總監Jonathan Anderson每季皆與固定班底M/M Paris、Benjamin Bruno和Steven Meisel攜手合作,打造出一系列令人過目難忘的影像。


Fall Winter 2018

Steven Meisel photographed Stella Tennant reading the Spanish literary classic Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes in a LOEWE hardbound edition adorned with a sleeve featuring a Meisel photograph originally published in Vogue Italia The image follows last month’s preview, when LOEWE first announced the series of literary classics it is publishing with vintage Meisel images repurposed as book covers.

A second image by Meisel shows Tennant and Elise Crombez trapped in an old elevator, in a cinematographically inspired scene shot from above, wearing looks from LOEWE’s Fall/Winter 2018 collection topped with red wigs. A large tactile depiction of LOEWE’s Gate handbag is the third campaign element, highlighting the craft and design of the brand’s latest star product.


Spring Summer 2018

The series consists of five portraits featuring Italian model Vittoria Ceretti holding various fruit in her mouth, a modern interpretation of the long-standing subject of depicting fruit in art.

Neither symbolic nor literal, the images feature mangosteen, pomegranates and melons in striking compositions that point evocatively to notions ranging from taste, nature and biology to disguise, artifice and desire.

Fall Winter 2017

Expanding on the format introduced by Jonathan Anderson since his first season as the house’s creative director, the upcoming campaign is centered around three visual elements reflecting different facets of LOEWE’s past, present and future.

In the first of the images that will appear on 500 Parisian news kiosks during fashion week, Gisele Bündchen wears a look from the collection to be shown on 3 March, photographed by Steven Meisel against a M/M (Paris)-designed set, a suspended black ‘cloud’ made from over 9,000 silk ribbons.

The second image shows a new version of LOEWE’s already iconic Puzzle bag in which all sides of the design’s geometric structure —constructed from calfskin— are printed with a striking sky motif.

A third image, taken from an exclusive new series of artworks by Steven Meisel titled ‘Compositions,’ depicts a group of objects ranging from precious to ordinary, utilitarian to decorative, and mass produced to handcrafted. Floating on a transparent table positioned in front of a painted cloudscape, the assortment creates an arresting visual illusion between the surreal and the hyperreal.

Spring Summer 2017

Developing the special collaboration between LOEWE and Steven Meisel, LOEWE’s latest campaign is centered around an intriguing still life depicting a vibrant floral arrangement inspired by the work of pioneering mid-century British florist and author Constance Spry.

In another image by Meisel, supermodel and actress Amber Valetta and Jackson Wakefield are pictured in dramatic motion against a spiral ofropes.

Stark shots of LOEWE’s Joyce bag and Goya weekender complete the campaign.

Fall Winter 2016

As in previous seasons, an exclusive work by Steven Meisel is at the centre of the Fall Winter 2016 campaign, a continuation of his special collaboration with LOEWE. The original black-and-white image, from the 2016 series A Closer Look.

This campaign component, selected by Meisel, represents a reflexive self-contemplation by the photographer of his landmark body of work.

The looks are shot against a sculpture by M/M Paris combining rugged rock-like formations with white iridescent sections, reflecting the character of the collection.

The campaign’s final element depicts items from LOEWE’s range of products.


Steven Meisel運用數位相機,為2016年的春夏系列重新詮釋一張沒有拍攝日期的私人黑白舊照,也就是「自拍照」系列的第4張。照片中的Steven Meisel身穿黑色T裇和牛仔褲,影像適時啟發了人們對時尚、表現手法、肖像拍攝和重新創作的思考方式。

本企劃匯集一系列原創剪影和焦點系列作品,場景由M/M Paris設計,讓人聯想起日本的富士山。




Fall Winter 2014 / Spring Summer 2015

Coinciding with Anderson’s first LOEWE presentation, Meisel’s iconic images were paired with newly commissioned work by the photographer, archetypal black-and-white silhouettes styled by Benjamin Bruno.

The campaign also features carefully composed still lifes of archival items highlighting LOEWE’s heritage, including a century-spanning collection of bronze stamps used to engrave leather.

These museum-like images are juxtaposed with hyper-descriptive shots of key pieces from Anderson’s new collections for the house. The campaign was conceived by M/M Paris and the collaboration between the four creative powerhouses has continued ever since.