LOEWE 2016秋冬女裝系列
LOEWE 2016秋冬女裝系列,於聯合國教科文組織巴黎總部(Maison de l'Unesco)盛大面世。品牌選擇了內部滿佈水泥拱柱的Hall Ségur和Salle Miró呈現最新時裝系列,後者展示大量藝術品,呈現私密溫馨的氛圍。本季女裝揉合高雅的氣質與率直的格調,透過幽默風趣的手法,展現品牌卓越的工藝專業知識,同時延續過去三季的風格,不斷重新定義現代美學。
LOEWE Women´s Fall Winter 2016
The concrete angles of Hall Ségur and the intimate art-filled Salle Miró, both at Maison de l’Unesco, Paris, are the setting for the presentation of LOEWE’s Fall Winter 2016 collection. A simultaneously sophisticated and cool collection cut through with flashes of wit and twists of humour, showcasing the house’s technical expertise and continued redefining and refining of the modernist codes laid out over the last three seasons.
At its centre, skirts and dresses that accentuate the shape of the body through a variety of advanced methods. The placement of every pleat is studied, garments are designed to form a second skin, a skirt’s cut calculated for precise movement.